Re: set group id on directories

Brett Lymn (
Fri, 3 Mar 1995 14:03:17 +1030 (CST)

According to Marc Samama:
>I'd like to know if a sgid bit on a directory represents a security risk,
>given the fact that the directory is not world or group writable.

It's not much use if the directory is not group at least g-rx.

>On my system, whereas the manual states that this bit is ignored on 
>directories, a file created on such a directory is owned by the same 
>group that posses the dir, and any child directory has the same sgid bit,
>by default.

This is normal behaviour on the Suns (and I think it's documented

>It this feature commonly used anyway?

It's handy if you have a directory shared by a group of people -
combined with the right umask it makes to permissions on the files

Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, AWA Defence Industries
"Also, it takes a lot longer to get up North ..... The slow way"
        - "Clever Trevor" Ian Drury